Jardin de sculptures
Though these sculptures do not follow a specific theme, they share a visceral connection to the concept of time and nature.

“Tigre”. steel with paint. 75”H. X 102”L. X 36”D. 1998.
The Tiger sculpture is my symbol of the Mid-Western economic engine returning. Inspired by William Blake, The Detroit Tiger baseball team and the Chinese Year of the Tiger, this work leaps off its base and out into the viewer's space. Constructed of more that a hundred recycled pieces of steel, shaped and welded together, the sculpture is bolted to the base with two 1" bolts. The steel elements of the sculpture are heated with an acetylene torch, hammered, shaped and stick welded. After brushing the surface with an electric wire wheel, the surface is coated with Rustoleum primer and finish paint.
photo R. Baunok

“O.L.P.M.”, 84”H. X 38”W. X 22”D. 2017. welded steel with paint.
O.L.P.M., (Our Lady of Perpetual Motion), is the mixing of the Jetson’s maid, Rosie and Mother Mary in steel. Sunday mornings, I’m praying that I don’t meet a deer with my motorcycle at 7 am. while riding in Northern Westchester. The wheel element is used twice and the silver paint exudes a 1960’s tone to the work. The steel elements of the sculpture are heated with an acetylene torch, hammered, shaped and stick welded. After brushing the surface with an electric wire wheel, the surface is coated with paint.

On exhibition: Blue Headed Geeks
Solo exhibit at Helios Gallery, 580 Broadway, NY. 1991

Blue Headed Geeks
“Geeks”, 64”h. x 14”w. x 10”d. *Each Geek is different in size.
The “Geeks”, are humorous celebrations of fish crows, which were frequent visitors to my Hastings on Hudson studio. There they perched outside on electrical lines directly in front of my garage and squawked loudly. In these works I have lengthened the bird’s legs to four feet and balanced them of one foot implying movement. My geeks are headed toward the blue, (sky). It is a journey that they can only wish for but never achieve. These sculptures move in the wind. The steel elements are heated with an acetylene torch, hammered, shaped and stick welded. After brushing the surface with an electric wire wheel, the surface is painted. Four new Geeks were requested by my gallerist in 2016 after I had produced and sold 21 over 25 years. In a Henry Ford type fashion, I created an assembly line and produce a new gaggle of 19 Geeks. Each Geek signed and is numbered on its wing. Numbers 25-38 are available. There are only 6 painted Geeks; black bodies with blue heads.

“Meditation”, is a recycled farm plow restructured as a horse saddle. The solid steel presence as opposed to soft a leather mount, suspends the idea of movement. Without an animal beneath , this elemental statement is meant to questions man’s domination of other creatures
48”h. x 34”w. x 15”d. welded steel with paint.

“Tree/Machine. welded steel with oil. 48”H. X 20”L. X 18”D. 2001.
My sculpture, entitled “Tree/Machine”, is a testament of nature over machines. Constructed of a mechanical movement device and automobile flywheel base, the tree form organically rises vertically to end its journey into budding limbs. Each piece is heated and reshaped using an acetylene torch, hammered and then stick welded.

"Les Lions"
“Les Lions”, 46”h. x 24”l. x 8”d. welded steel with oil. 2002.
Lions are another humorous departure for me. These lions could tower over the entrance gate at my Detroit estate, Navin on Windsor. The stark lion abstraction, coupled with the simplified but fierce head gestures would deter any unwanted visitor. The steel elements of the sculpture are heated with an acetylene torch, hammered, shaped and stick welded. After brushing the surface with an electric wire wheel, the surface is coated with paint.